畢業設計如同一條剖線,而 B-B'Section也象徵著我們第13屆畢業班。
B-B' Section 洞悉表面以外的思索過程 ─ 在黑暗中摸索總是比在太陽下直視來得刺激 而月球的陰暗面總是比光亮面來得神秘。一道白光也要透過三稜鏡才能折射出絢麗的彩虹,在威尼斯變裝舞會看到迷濛的面具 聞到銷魂的香水,往往無法在舞會結束後帶領你尋找到曾經共舞的夢幻對象。
Our graduation project, b-b's Section, is a serial of sectional drawing created by the class of 2016. Sectional drawing,for us is more than a designer's term but the tool to show people the real structure, therefore the truth. And with the help of 5 years of training in architecture, we are equipped and trained to re- identify the meaning of architecture, space and environment. Furthermore we firmly believe in deeper truth hidden behind a beautiful designers graphic. We believe in our responsibility to step up from simply inspecting the society and to understand further dig into the deeper problems rooted in our heart; the ignored, the forgotten ones. We want to step up and confront for the truth in humanity.
BB's section represents our process of peeling out the obvious for the universal truth.
- We believe seeing is deceiving- we believe finding your perfect partner in a masquerade.
- We believe the clarity in the darkness.
- We believe in brutally cutting through the surface to search the you real self,real feeling and eventually find the precious sparks in one's humble life.
Present to you,
BB section.